
Hi! Thanks for stopping by!

As a native of the American Midwest with Scandinavian ancestry, writing this about page felt like an exercise in excessive narcissism. But here we go anyway…

I’m a writer who wants to encourage mothers to connect with God right within the chaotic beauty of motherhood. I love exploring how we bear God’s image as mothers, aaaand I also want to laugh with you at the absurdities of motherhood because if we don’t laugh, we’ll cry somedays, right?

I’m Liz, and I’m married to Eric who loves me so much that he lets me make to-do lists with him on Saturday mornings. Sometimes even before coffee. We live in Minneapolis with our three kids — Owen (6), Elsa (4) and Lewis (2) — and exactly zero pets because there is only so much poop that a person should be expected to handle in a given day.

My full-time job is staying home with my babies and trying to get them to put on pants for at least portions of each day. For my part-time job, Eric and I own our photography business, which is my chance to put on real pants and do something different with my brain.

I also started homeschooling recently, which is funny, because I can remember the exact conversation from a few years ago when I laughed, shook my head, and told my friend that I would never homeschool my kids. And now, here we are, alphabet chart hung up and shelves full of curriculum books, my standard-issue homeschooling denim jumper in my Amazon cart.

Some of my other party tricks: I’m a former public school ELL teacher, and I’ve lived in South Korea and South Sudan. I’m a textbook Enneagram 1, and like a true 1, I think the world of proper grammar. I love food. Cooking, to me is cathartic, and feeding people around my table is unabashed joy.

I love Jesus, the Refugee King one, the One who washed feet and healed the blind and calmed the storm and loved His mother. I believe that He brought and is himself the Solution to Every Problem, and I believe that He shows up in our everyday...in the perfection of baby cheeks, in the liturgy of diaper changes, in that towering oak across the street.

I have always done my best thinking while writing: I still have boxes of my angst-ridden teenage journals, with impassioned love letters to JTT tucked deeply into their bindings. Today, most of my thoughts exists in coffee-ringed pages of my calendar or in half-finished Google Doc pages that are just begging to be revisited now that everyone in our house sleeps through the night again and the bags under my eyes have slightly receded.

And this space? This space is a snapshot of my current season: of babies and words and pictures and meals. Of the ways I get to create in my everyday.

I hope you like it, and I’m glad you’re here!

I write about all of this on Instagram @elizabeth_a_berget ! Come on over!